Hey Girls!!! There's still time to get your application in, the deadline is February 5th. The Pageant is open to any county of residence. Pick up your application in McMinnville at Southern Standard, Kathy's of McMinnville, Alice-Son's Florist, Ashley's Attic McMinnville or The Country Bumpkin - Your Prom,Pageant,and Wedding Specialist in Cookeville. If you live out of town email susangburks@gmail.com for an application or questions. I will be at Caney Fork Auditorium Feb. 5th from 4-6pm for application drop offs. All contestants ages 5-13 all receive a tiara, Jr. Miss Warren Co. receives $250.00. Age categories are 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, and 14-17. All proceeds benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Nashville!!!